Minister of Works commends BRAGSA for excellent work
Deputy Prime Minister Montgomery Daniel
September 30, 2022

Minister of Works commends BRAGSA for excellent work

THE ROADS, Buildings and General Services Authority (BRAGSA), has come in for commendation from Minister of Transport and Works, Montgomery Daniel.

“I want to take this opportunity to congratulate BRAGSA and its management for the work it has been doing since I’ve come to be the minister responsible,” Daniel told listeners to NBC Radio on Wednesday, September 28.

Daniel was given the ministerial portfolios of transport and works following the 2020 general elections.

He noted that BRAGSA is doing well in the midst of challenges.

He recalled that in 2021, BRAGSA was involved in a number of projects, valued at $54 million.

“This unit handles a tremendous amount of work for all government departments in this country.”

While some persons may think that BRAGSA’s work is not worthy of commendation, Minister Daniel affirmed that they have been doing “excellent work.”

Last year, BRAGSA was responsible for building four new schools, while at the same time doing repairs to many others.

Also in 2021 BRAGSA was responsible for the massive clean up of volcanic ash all across St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Daniel added that a decision has been taken for BRAGSA to own “a couple of trucks,” to help with the regular road cleaning works.

He explained that their are complaints in certain areas of material left at the side of the roads for a long time. This will help to head off those complaints.