Kajé says thanks to GECCU
Kajé Jack
November 12, 2021

Kajé says thanks to GECCU

One of this year’s top performers in the Caribbean Secondary Exit Certificate (CSEC) examination, has expressed immense gratitude to a local credit union, which he says has contributed to his holistic growth in the last five years. 

Kajé Jack, a recent graduate of the St Vincent Grammar School was one of this country’s three top performers in the 2020 CSEC exam, having obtained 14 Grade ones in all the subjects he sat. 

He was one of the GECCU 2016 cohort of scholarship recipients; a fact Jack is thankful for, given how much it has helped him so far. 

“I would like to express gratitude for my sponsors at GECCU for their financial support throughout the years…I also would like to say that I really appreciate all they have done, in terms of the annual symposiums they would hold where they would bring in presenters to talk to us, play games and go on field trips…I really appreciate all of that and how it has impacted my development, over the years. ” the 17-year-old told SEARCHLIGHT on Wednesday. 

The young scholar explained that these activities provided him with a space to develop both his social and leadership skills.

Jack added that the credit union’s financial support assisted him in buying the necessary supplies for his secondary schooling. 

The teenager plans to attend the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College soon, where he will study Pure Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Management of Business. This two-year academic journey will also be sponsored by GECCU.