SVGTU executive hosts leadership workshop
April 27, 2018

SVGTU executive hosts leadership workshop


THE NEW EXECUTIVE of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Union (SVGTU) is seeking to improve the leadership skills of its members.

Last Friday, April 20, the executive hosted a leadership workshop under the theme ‘Embracing the Leadership in all of us’, which targeted 50 members from all levels of the teaching profession.

SVGTU president, Wendy Bynoe, said the objective of the workshop, which was the executive’s first event since coming to office, was to enhance managerial and leadership skills.

“There is a huge weight of responsibility resting on our shoulders as we seek to represent the best interests of our members. Members of SVGTU, allow me to remind you all that leadership comes with many challenges, therefore making this workshop very critical to what we would achieve during our term as the SVGTU leaders. I would like to advise all of our leaders to be focused in all of our undertakings. The challenges we face as a union or as nation can not just be wished away, we will have to double our resolve to steer the course, irrespective of the difficulties and temptations to give in,” Bynoe said.

The president said she was particularly happy to see school stewards and general council members participating in the one day workshop and urged the members to give the critical support necessary to see the tasks through.

“Brothers and sisters, the days ahead will continue to demand the best of us as leaders…. All of us must possess and display one critical characteristic, that of loyalty. Loyalty to a cause that is bigger and more important than all of our big views and ideas,” Bynoe said.

The topics at the workshop were: ‘Leadership: Discovering Yourself and the Next Step’, ‘Team Work and Team Building’, ‘Negotiating Skills’ and ‘Getting the Best out of Meetings: The Basics of Parliamentary Procedures’.


A SECTION OF the participants at the SVGTU leadership workshop