Easy to contact AIA to lodge query – CEO of AIA
July 21, 2017

Easy to contact AIA to lodge query – CEO of AIA

Contrary to complaints made by aggrieved passengers passing through the Argyle International Airport (AIA), Hadley Bourne, chief executive officer, says it is not difficult to get in contact with personnel there.

Bourne was responding to a question posed during a programme on the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) radio station this week, to address complaints made by passengers who claim that they have had items stolen from their luggage.

Persons have expressed on social media that they have had a difficult time contacting airport personnel in order to lodge their grievances.

“We are even determined to set up… a kind of rapid response unit in the AIA to deal with these complaints and it’s not difficult to get to us,” the CEO said. “We are on social media, on the various young people access mediums, I would say and I find it hard that anyone would say they can’t get in contact with us.”

Furthermore, Bourne said that AIA has received complaints through its sister company, the International Airport Development Corporation (IADC).

Glender Francois, marketing manager of customer service and public relations added that it was “quite easy” to contact AIA to lodge a query, via e-mail address aiacustomerquery@svg-airport.com.

“Once we receive that, we will respond within 48 hours and an investigation into your query will begin immediately,” she said.(BK)