‘To steer my direction, I  focused on my goal’ – SVG’s newest  barrister-at-law
July 7, 2017

‘To steer my direction, I focused on my goal’ – SVG’s newest barrister-at-law

Sheena Williams had thought that by the time she finished her law studies, she would know the key to success.

But last week, when this country’s newest barrister and solicitor was called to the bar, she disclosed that she did not yet have the answer, but realizes it involves hard work, dedication to task, having the courage of your conviction and absolute preparedness.

Williams told her colleagues and friends that though the process to become a lawyer was a lengthy one, she believes that direction is far more important than speed.

“To steer my direction, I focused on my goal, refrained from comparing myself to others and insisted on improving myself to become a better individual each day,” the new barrister said.

Williams added that the process was also challenging, with many long hours, sleepless nights, heavy workloads, tired limbs and tired minds.

Fighting back tears, she thanked her deceased mother, Merle Williams, for her courage and the sacrifices she made.

“My mother has been my most loyal supporter, but also my sternest critic. I would like to thank her for being my pillar of strength and my mountain of wisdom,” a teary eyed Williams said.

She said that although her mother was not there physically, she feels closely connected with her and knows that she is smiling from ear to ear.

Williams thanked Arthur Williams for supporting her application to be called to the bar and Richard Williams for seconding it.

She also thanked her extended family, who she said not only insisted that she followed through with her dreams, but instilled in her the will to persevere.

The 29-year-old graduated from Holborn College of Law in London with a Bachelor of Law Degree; she then received a Master’s Degree in Legislative Drafting at the University of West Indies, Cave Hill Campus.

Williams became a member of the Lincoln’s Inn, one of the four Inns of Court in London, when she was called to the bar on March 6, 2016.(CM)