Petition judgement  is a win for all  Vincentians – Dr Friday
July 4, 2017

Petition judgement is a win for all Vincentians – Dr Friday

Leader of the Opposition Dr Godwin Friday has called last Friday’s ruling by Justice Ecso Henry a win for all Vincentians.

“It is a judgement in favour of democracy and the spirit of the people,” Friday said to a crowd of New Democratic Party (NDP) supporters outside Democrat House, hours after the judge ruled that the NDP election petitions can proceed to trial.

“This is good for democracy. This is good for good governance, but most importantly this is good for our own value of ourselves as a people,” he said.

The Opposition Leader said the ruling reaffirms that the rights and will of the people are greater than mere legal technicality, outside the real issue at stake.

“We are not cogs in a wheel; we are not pawns, we are not pieces of a puzzle; we are real people, with real desires and ambitions and will. The expression of our will should never be denied, neither by the efforts of any agent and certainly not by mere legal technicalities.”

He stated that laws do not exist for their own sake, but to help societies imagine and become their very best.

Friday stated that the foundation of every democracy is free and fair elections, alleging that the December 9, 2015 elections “were anything but free and fair”.

He stated that they were told to give up and forget what took place, however they know the truth and the truth is on their side.

“And so we did one year, six months and three weeks later, our petitions will finally be heard on their merits, in open court.

The evidence will be available for everyone to see, and I trust that those responsible for what took place in Central Leeward and North Windward on December 9th, 2015, will be held accountable for their actions,” Friday stated.

Friday told the crowd of supporters that they were celebrating a significant victory and they will press forward to the trial of the petition and to fresh elections.

He thanked their legal team, who he said prevailed, despite the obstacles.

“I say to them, you have defended our democracy and the rights of all voters. For this we are eternally grateful.

“We also want to recognize our petitioners, Benjamin Exeter of Central Leeward and Lauron Baptiste of North Windward. Hooray for Ben and ‘Sheara’! We thank you for keeping this fight alive and for giving our Vincentian people hope,” Friday added.

He said the NDP is prepared to chart a new course and a better path to a bright and prosperous future for all Vincentians.

Friday said they are going forward with the legal battle; however ,the air can be cleaned with fresh elections.