June 13, 2017

CPEA records improved performance

Over 85 per cent of the students who sat the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) on May 19, 2017 met the prescribed standard; an increase in performance over the previous year’s results.

A release from the Ministry of Education, National Reconciliation and Ecclesiastical Affairs said 1,398 (85.35 per cent) of the1,638 students who wrote the final examination met the required standard. Of the 797 females sitting, 737 or 92.47 per cent met the required standard, while of the 841 males sitting, 661 or 78.60 per cent met the required standard.

One thousand, six hundred and forty-three students registered, but five did not write the final exam.

Last year, of the 1,786 students who wrote the exam, 1,498 (83.87 per cent) of the students met the required standard. Of the 877 females sitting, 788 of 89.85 per cent met the required standard, while of the 909 males sitting, 710 or 78.11 per cent met the required standard.

Forty-seven schools recorded a pass rate in excess of 80 per cent, the same as last year.

The highest average score recorded for the 2017 CPEA by a student is 98.00 per cent
Students’ final scores were derived from the aggregate scores of both components of the CPEA. That is, the External Assessment which consisted of Multiple Choice Tests in Mathematics, Science and Language Arts and from the School-Based Assessment which comprised a Project, a Writing Portfolio, a Book Report as well as Teacher Tests, Pupil Made Tests and Can-Do-Skills exercises in Mathematics, Science, Language arts, and Civics.

The School Based Assessment makes up 200 marks or 40 per cent of the total score, while the External Assessment accounts for 300 marks or 60 per cent of the total score.

The criterion for determining the required standard is that students must acquire at least 50 per cent of the possible 500 marks.