Problem Child launches ‘Doh Kill the Vibe’ campaign
June 9, 2017

Problem Child launches ‘Doh Kill the Vibe’ campaign

Shertz ‘Problem Child’ James has launched a Carnival campaign, aimed at promoting positivity and love throughout the season.

James told SEARCHLIGHT on Tuesday that he launched the “Doh Kill the Vibe” campaign since he has not been hearing a slogan for the 40th anniversary of Carnival.

“…Being that I’m not hearing one, I just decided to create one of my own and try to make it a positive as possible.”

He explained that for this Carnival he has heard of many persons returning to St Vincent and the Grenadines and would like for them to leave with a good impression of the country and our Carnival. His slogan promotes things that aid the enjoyment of the festival, while discouraging those that ‘kill the vibe’.

James stated that while the campaign was launched for Carnival, he does not want it to be acknowledged only during Carnival.

The soca artiste, who is also commonly referred to as “Johnny Fontaine” and “Vincy Bad Boy,” said, as was the case last year, he will not participate in the Soca Monarch Competition, but would like to be considered for the Road March Competition.

“I find that it is too chaotic for me and it’s a lot of killing of the vibe that happens… the rivalry is going a little too far,” James said of the Soca Monarch Competition.

He stated that competing was difficult since he had no financial backing. James also said that he would like to make room for someone else, since he has already made his mark.

“I have already done it and I have made my mark. I never won, but I made my mark, so let me give somebody else the opportunity to be heard or seen and build their brand,” he stated.

James, who lives in the United States, said that his most enjoyable Carnivals were in 2007 and 2015 when he did not compete in the Soca Monarch Competition.

He has already released several songs for the 2017 Carnival season, including “Doh Kill the Vibe”, “Neither Me” and “Leg Up Dey,” which have been receiving rave reviews from the public.