Lawyer for woman in porn video writes ‘2 Cool’ Chris of Hot 97.1 FM
June 2, 2017

Lawyer for woman in porn video writes ‘2 Cool’ Chris of Hot 97.1 FM

Patrius Kerr, the 22-year-old teacher whose porn video went viral last week, had her lawyer write to Hot 97.1 FM’s Chris “2 Kool” Jones this week.

Jones received the correspondence on Tuesday morning, May 30, from Kerr’s lawyer, Israel Bruce, asking him to desist from the harsh criticisms he has been meting out to Kerr since her six-minute porn flick started making the rounds.

Jones and co-hosts Alex “Kubiyashi” Barnwell and Luke Boyea have been discussing the matter extensively since it came to light.

The six-minute-long, locally shot porn video, features the Byera teacher and a local popular dreadlocked barber, who goes by the name ‘jaybrittishlife784’ on the social media platform Instagram. Patricia Kerr, Patrius’ mother, informed SEARCHLIGHT on Monday that her daughter told her the video was shot by Alexander Christopher John, who goes by the moniker ‘Lil Chris’, a DJ with Vincentian and Barbadian ties, who lives in the United States (US).

Bruce’s letter states, “We write on behalf of our client Patrius Kerr of Byera, in the Parish of Charlotte, in the state of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

“As you may be aware Patrius Kerr happens to be the school teacher who is currently embroiled in a most recent pornographic video experiencing wide circulation locally, regionally and internationally.

“While we appreciate that it has become an issue of national discourse we are also aware that a number of false pronouncements have allegedly been made on Hot 97.1 FM via your well listened to AM Mayhem interactive radio programme. It is our instruction that you have in the excitement of such discussions, been making certain statements in relation to our client that are blatantly false.

“It is our instruction that on 29th of May 201 on your morning program you allegedly stated that “they moved the teacher from teaching they now have her at a desk”. This we know was referring to our client since she has been the headline topic on your morning radio program for several mornings.

“We are instructed that our client has not been removed from teaching to a or any desk as you allegedly stated, our instruction is that our client is currently at home awaiting further instruction from the authorities.

“As such our client is kindly asking that you desist from making false statements about her.

“Furthermore, the mater as it regards to our client is currently under investigation and our client will deeply appreciate your co-operation to this end to allow the police to do their work and for the speculation to cease. In due course as things become clearer we will no doubt

sit with you and your station and give a full account of what really did transpire.

“We would be very happy if you and management of Hot FM 97.1 can see the wisdom in acceding to this most simple request in the name of pure facts and not alternative facts and that of allowing legal investigations to proceed without unnecessary distractions and or delays.

“We are looking forward to your normal cooperation and understanding.”

Manging director at Hot 97.1 FM Luke Boyea was also sent a copy of the letter.

On Monday, Patricia Kerr, the mother of Patrius told SEARCHLIGHT that it was very upsetting to hear ‘2 Cool’ lambasting her daughter during his AM Mayhem morning show.

She said also that another of Hot 97.1 FM’s employees, Rochard “Pitbull” Ballah, made up a song about the video.

She said that Jones had a number of things wrong when speaking about her daughter, while she thinks that Ballah should have known better, because he taught her daughter at the St Vincent Community College (SVCC).

“…what is getting me real upset is 2 Cool Chris, the way how they have it on radio and Pitbull, who taught her in school and educate her, made a song on her… he taught her at the SVCC, he educated her and that is very upsetting. 2 Cool is a father, Pitbull is a father, 2 Cool Chris has a daughter. You bring children and you could be with them 24/7 and still not know what they are doing,” Patricia told SEARCHLIGHT.

On Thursday, both Jones and Boyea said that they did not wish to respond to the letter, while Ballah said that he did not sing about Patrius, but about the words uttered during the video.