Kingstown resident wins  thousands in cash from Digicel
May 5, 2017

Kingstown resident wins thousands in cash from Digicel

Kingstown resident Angelo Ferdinand was all smiles on Tuesday, May 2, when he was presented with a cheque valued at EC$2,000, compliments of Digicel SVG.

Ferdinand was named winner of Digicel’s March 2017 Text to Win promotion, dubbed “I-Spy.” To qualify to win, both prepaid and postpaid customers were encouraged to text the word “Spy” to 7171. By the end of the promotion on March 31, 2017, Ferdinand rose to the No.1 position and won for himself EC$2,000 cash.

“I spent in excess of $500 to secure the top spot and it was well worth the cash prize at stake,” said the Digicel customer of over 13 years.

“This is not my first time winning big with Digicel and I hope this is not his last,” he added. Ferdinand, an avid texter, said he continues to enjoy the great services and promotions put on by Digicel, all designed to give customers an opportunity to win and win big.

Meanwhile, Digicel’s marketing manager Danielle Cupid congratulated Ferdinand, stating, “Our Text to Win promotions continue to be a big hit,” and describing it as a great way for Digicel to engage its customers and reward them with cash to offset their more immediate financial commitments. Cupid added that Ferdinand is a testament that customers can win big and even be repeat winners with Digicel.