April 4, 2017

Government signs contract for construction of NEMO warehouse at Rose Hall

The government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) entered into a contract with local Joint Venture firm Franco Construction Limited and Williams Engineering Services on February 28, 2017, for the construction of a satellite warehouse at Rose Hall for the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO).

The contract, worth some XCD 1 million, was the lowest bid of the four qualifying tenders received, and is funded by the Government through a loan from the World Bank. The works forms part of Government’s priority investments to reduce the country’s physical and economic vulnerability to adverse natural events through building resilience to current and future climatic changes.

The warehouse will afford NEMO the opportunity to assist nearby communities to respond immediately to emergencies resulting from natural disasters, and will house various equipment and supplies to aid in this effort.

The works, which commenced with site acquisition and clearing on March 23, 2017, is scheduled to be completed by November 30, 2017. The warehouse is the second of six to be built throughout SVG. In Magum, a warehouse was completed in November 2016 and similar warehouses are planned for Georgetown, Marriaqua, Bequia, and Union Island.

The works is one of the activities being implemented by the Government through the Regional Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (RDVRP). The project is supporting SVG’s efforts to prevent and adapt to the effects of climate change, strengthen hazard and risk evaluation, and improve decision making.(API)