JP Eustace Young Leaders conduct volunteer training in primary schools
March 31, 2017

JP Eustace Young Leaders conduct volunteer training in primary schools

Grade 5 students of the St Mary’s Roman Catholic School were on Monday, March 27, sensitized on the importance and benefits of becoming a volunteer. 

Young Leaders of the Dr J P Eustace Memorial Secondary School conducted the session, as they continue their programme of activities under the theme “iVOLUNTEER, WE IMPACT.”

The objective is to create awareness within the children of how they can become volunteers, even at a young age and how this can add value to their lives now and in future. The students were asked to find ways to volunteer over the next few weeks. The Young Leaders will then make follow-up visits, so they can share their volunteering experiences.

The Young Leaders visited the Lodge Village Government and Kingstown Government Schools last Tuesday, and plan to conduct the sessions at all primary schools in the Kingstown area.