January 13, 2017

How is your CSME experience as a service provider or a professional?

CARICOM is seeking to assess levels of knowledge and awareness of the CSME, to be able to design more sector-specific education programmes, to ensure that every CARICOM national, service provider and entrepreneur is equipped to exercise their rights and access opportunities in the CSME.

The CSME Unit has contracted St Lucian firm Right Angle Imaging to undertake a stakeholder baseline study on CSME awareness across all Member States to support this activity.

An online survey is presently being conducted to canvas CARICOM nationals. Vincentian graduates, public service personnel, professionals, business operators and exporters, vocational and technical trades personnel, and creative producers are asked to take five minutes and to take the survey: (

Right Angle Imaging will be host a focus group, later in January in SVG to get perspectives on the CSME from Vincentian CARICOM nationals, the findings of which will help in the design of future public education programmes on how to access opportunities within the CSME.