Cumberland reconstruction project set in motion
October 28, 2016

Cumberland reconstruction project set in motion

THE CUMBERLAND RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT got started on October 20, with an official ground breaking ceremony held at the project site in Spring Village, North Leeward.

The project is being implemented by the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines, with assistance from the government of Mexico and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). {{more}}It will also feature a river embankment protection.

Discussions commenced with the government of Mexico in 2014 to finance the project.

Hydrology studies, made possible with financing from the World Bank, were done as preparatory work to the bridge’s construction.

Preliminary designs and estimates for the project were then prepared.

A contract with Trinidad Contractors Limited was signed on August 9 to undertake the following works: demolish and reconstruct the Spring Village Bridge, which has an 82.25 ft span, making it the longest clear span bridge in this country; the bridge also has a width of 21.35 ft, which is wider than the existing Bailey Bridge and will facilitate two-lane traffic and a pedestrian walkway.

Chief engineer Brent Bailey, in his remarks, thanked the UNOPS team for all the assistance in realizing the project.

The bridge will be constructed from prestressed concrete and its abutments from reinforced concrete. Extensive river embankment protection will also be constructed near the Spring Village Primary School and Community Centre.

Similarly, repairs will also be done to several culverts in the area.

On October 4, Trinidad Contractors commenced works to the river banks and started preparing for the installation of the bypass bridge; they will then construct the by-pass bridge for demolition works to begin on the present structure.

An environmental management plan is in place for the river defence works, which the contractor is required to adhere to.

Bailey encouraged residents to liaise with project management team, “communicate any issue or concerns you might have concerning the project, if it is impacting you in anyway, so that we can adjust or assess in any way that will effectively allow for a better delivery,” he said.

The project is expected to be completed in 12 months.(API)