SVG churches raising funds for people of Haiti
October 21, 2016

SVG churches raising funds for people of Haiti

Several churches in St Vincent have joined with Dr E Walford Thompson, the pastoral staff and the congregation of the Arnos Vale Covenant Assembly (AVCA) to demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ to the people of Haiti. The members of this congregation have already raised $16,000 for their relief effort.

“This is not a start-up effort capitalizing on a window of opportunity. AVCA has been involved through “A village of Hope” project in relief {{more}}work in Haiti since the earthquake of 2010, and to date we have helped to build 22 houses in the Fontamara area. AVCA also contributes monthly to a feeding programme for the children in that area, working in cooperation with a US based organization (founded by its senior pastor) called Home by Home,” a release from E Walford Thompson, senior pastor at AVCA said.

AVCA is celebrating its second anniversary with a week of special services, beginning October 31 through November 6 at their Worship Centre in Arnos Vale (upstairs the Eastern Caribbean Eye Care Centre).

This church seeks to be faithful to its motto – Authentic Voice Compassionate Action, by faithfully teaching the Word of God and reaching out to the wider community at home and abroad, and is committed to spending at least 50 per cent of its income (tithes and offerings) for social outreach and evangelism. (Pastoral staff does not receive a salary).

“We are inviting the Vincentian community and all well-wishers to participate with us by making a donation for this Haiti Relief effort to the account at the St Vincent Bank to account # 200820. A financial report will be given through the media of the use of the funds we receive.

“In cooperation with Home by Home, we plan to participate in the Recovery Phase (following the relief effort) by taking a work/witness team to Haiti in 2017 should the Lord tarry. Please feel free to call our church office 458-4111 if you would like further information.”

The Relief Committee consists of representation from AVCA, Hope for Life Restoration Church, ECWI, and Open Bible Church,” the release said.

Jesus said: “Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these my brethren, you have done it to me”. Matthew 25:40