PM says he is HIV  negative, and in good health
August 12, 2016

PM says he is HIV negative, and in good health

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves says he is in good health and not HIV positive, as some have stated on social media.

Speaking on the OMG morning show on Boom 106.9 FM last Tuesday, Gonsalves, in response to a question asked by host Dwight ‘Bing’ Joseph, said as part of his last medical check-up, done on June 5 this year, he was tested for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C and all came back negative.{{more}}

“I could have answered you and told you that is none of you business. But I don’t mind answering it. I’m not answering you from the standpoint of your right to know. I’m just saying; you asked me,” stressed Gonsalves, who turned 70 on August 8.

The Prime Minister revealed that other tests which were done indicated that his haemoglobin, prostate and cholesterol are all okay. He noted that it is important for men to get their prostate checked and he is mindful of this because his father died at 85 of a prostate issue.

“I do the full test,” stressed Gonsalves, disclosing that he also does the physical prostate examination.

Joseph later said that he asked the Prime Minister about his HIV status because over the last few months, Gonsalves had been accused of being HIV positive on social media.

Gonsalves, in response offered: “They say I’m a murderer, which I’m not; they say I’m a rapist, which I’m not; they say I’m a thief, which I’m not,” adding that Joseph was in danger of feeding the belief that persons should discriminate against people with HIV and AIDS.

He noted that in the past, people were ashamed to say that they had tuberculosis or cancer and now that is not the case.

“So, we need to make sure in relation to AIDS that we don’t propagate a particular culture in which we discriminate against people.”

The Prime Minister stressed that he did not mind having the HIV/AIDS conversation because, “I have an obligation as a leader and I also have my own personal feelings about particular matters. I don’t mind the conversation. I think it is a question of judgement of what is disclosed.”(LC)