August 5, 2016

VDC holds annual food sale at new location

The Vincy Day Committee (VDC) will on Saturday, August 13, holds its annual food sale, but this year it will be at a new venue.

The venue for this year’s edition is at Friends of Crown Heights on 1435 Prospect Place, located between Utica Ave and Rochester Avenue.{{more}}

A release from the VDC states “the new venue is not the centre as most persons are accustomed.”

The release also stated that this year’s food sale will see an expansion in products on offer over previous years, but with same tasty Vincy cuisine and wonderful ambience.

The food sale, which begins at 2 p.m., and runs until to 8 p.m., is used as a fund-raiser to offset operational expenses normally incurred on the big Vincy Day event, set for August 20.

The annual Vincy Day celebration, which is into its fifth year, will again be held at the camp ground of Heckscher State Park in Long Island.

Last year, over 10,000 persons were reported to have attended Vincy Day, which is a day of meeting, greeting, food, fellowship, fun, networking, entertainment, with a strict Vincentian flavour.(RT)