Valedictorian advises classmates to keep dreaming and achieving
June 28, 2016

Valedictorian advises classmates to keep dreaming and achieving

“We have made it. The whole team is here,” were the opening statements of Geran Maule’s valedictory address at the St Vincent Grammar School’s 2016 Graduation and Prize-giving Ceremony.

Maule, who is the son of Monty and Rosalind Maule, gave credit and expressed his appreciation to the parents and teachers of this year’s graduating class.{{more}}

“We have learnt a lot over the last five years. We have been cared for and disciplined by loving, caring parents and taught by the best team of teachers the St Vincent Grammar School has ever had…,” he said.

“… including some very beautiful females,” he added jokingly.

These words were met with an eruption of laughter from the gathering at the Kingstown Methodist Church.

Maule continued by saying that laughter is the best medicine and noted that he and his schoolmates were always able to find the humour in serious and challenging situations.

The outgoing deputy head boy also recalled a few occasions when the class of 2016 experienced achievement of their dreams.

“Some of our dreams materialized when we won the Interschool Athletics Championship for five consecutive years from 2011,” he said.

“We also won the Young Leaders competition in Form 4, under the mentorship of Mr Boucher. This was indeed a very enriching experience,” he continued.

He added that placing first in the I Square and public speaking competitions, as well as occupying top positions in interschool cricket, football and basketball, are among some of the achievements of the class of 2016.

In closing, he thanked God for enabling them to complete their secondary school education.

Maule also encouraged his classmates to keep dreaming, believing and achieving and to measure their success by the extent of their happiness.

The young man left Wednesday’s graduation ceremony with nine awards. He received six subject awards for Biology, Geography, Information Technology, Mathematics, Spanish and Music and was the recipient of the Luke Browne award for the most outstanding modern languages student, the RAJ Services award for second most outstanding Science student and the headmaster’s award.

Several other students received awards for outstanding performances, including Alron Harry, who received the SVGS Young Leaders/SOL EC Most Outstanding Student Award for Form 5; the award for outstanding contribution to sports; for being the student who best balances sport with academics and the Errol King award for the most rounded student.(CA)