Mason named as new face of Courts for 2016
June 24, 2016

Mason named as new face of Courts for 2016

Union Island native Roshik Mason is this year’s face of Courts Carnival promotion.

Mason, whose 2016 Carnival offering “Dem Vincy” has been transformed into one of the catchiest Courts jingles to date, encourages shoppers to visit the Courts showrooms in Kingstown and Bequia for great offers during the Carnival season.{{more}}

Shoppers spending $999 or more are automatically entitled to 10 per cent off their next purchase, cash or credit, and will be put in the Carnival spirit with a free Carnival pack for the Guinness Posse Monday band, which includes a T-shirt, drinks and lots of other goodies while on the road.

Shoppers also have the option of paying nothing down and nothing for 90 days on credit purchases for 24 months or more.

Mason considers the opportunity to be the face of the Courts Carnival campaign a humbling experience, from which he says he hopes to learn and gain exposure.

“It’s a good feeling to represent Courts in this way. This is a great platform for me to take off from and I intend to represent Courts to the best of my ability and hopefully, this could lead to more support for me and my career,” Mason indicated.

Courts commercial manager Lisa Veira said that she believes the collaboration between Courts and Mason will do a lot for the promotion of the artiste and the company’s current promotion.

“We congratulate Mason for joining with Courts with his 2016 contribution for Vincy Mas.

“We see this as a perfect fit for what we are offering this Carnival season, since his song and Courts are leading the way this Carnival season.

“Courts and Mason joining forces are a wicked combination and we hope to add value to the lives and entertainment of our customers for the Carnival season and beyond,” Veira said.