SVGHTA updates members on upcoming promotions
May 24, 2016

SVGHTA updates members on upcoming promotions

Members of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Hotel and Tourism Association were briefed on a number of upcoming promotional activities that would be undertaken by the organization in the near future.

During the second bi-monthly general meeting, held at the Sunset Shores conference room in Villa last month, president Kim Halbich informed those in attendance that the association{{more}} will be embarking on a series of promotions in the North American diaspora.

In anticipation of, and preparation for the opening of the Argyle International Airport later this year, the association hopes to entice Vincentians living abroad to travel home for vacations, due to the anticipated ease of getting to the islands.

These incentives include discounts and group rates, if the trips are made during specific periods.

The association also plans to promote St Vincent and the Grenadines through promotional visits to North America during the Canadian Vincy Picnic, Vincy Day and Casino Night in New York and New Jersey, as well as a Vincy Fair and gala evening at Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

Along with the discussions on these events, members present also heard from the Central Water and Sewerage Authority, Flow and the St Vincent and the Grenadines Tourism Authority.

Joan Ryan, marketing officer for the CWSA, made a presentation on the role of the travel and tourism industry in the protection and conservation of water, while Flow general manager Wayne Hull, accompanied by Corey Garrett and Duane Samuel, spoke on the business solutions offered by the recently merged company.

The members were also brought up to date with the tourism standards requirements by Faylene King and Avonelle DaSilva of the Tourism Authority.