May 20, 2016

Registration for ECCB small business workshop closes today

Registration for a small business management workshop being conducted by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), in collaboration with the University of the West Indies and the Centre for Enterprise Development Inc (CED) will close today.

This workshop, which will be held during the month of June, aims to provide authoritative knowledge, practical skills and a greater understanding of how to manage the day-to-day operations of a small business.{{more}} Participants will be exposed to effective tools and techniques in business planning; gain insights into how to use creative thinking to solve existing business problems and identify opportunities; and learn how to apply effective client and customer liaison techniques and negotiation skills. They will also learn how to effectively manage the business’ finances and practical financial processes that can enhance the daily management of small businesses.

The workshop, which is part of a regional public education programme coordinated by the ECCB, will commence on June 3, 2016. It will be delivered in four modules, each of a two and a half hour duration from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Module 1 covers ‘How to run a successful business – Business Planning’, and Module 2 focuses on ‘Using creative thinking to solve your business problems and identify business opportunities’. Module 3 will look at ‘Enhancing your sales and negotiation skills’, while the final module will be on ‘Managing the finances of your business’.

Each module will be delivered by highly qualified and acclaimed business consultants and trainers. Upon completion of all modules, participants will receive certificates at a graduation ceremony.

According to ECCB resident representative Elritha Miguel, this is an opportunity for persons in the small business sector to enhance their business skills.

“This ECCB Small Business Workshop has already been launched in other ECCU territories and we are happy to announce its commencement here in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Our collaboration with the UWI and CED makes it possible for us to deliver the workshop here and we anticipate that persons would take advantage of the programme.”

Registration for this programme is now open and interested persons can contact the CED office in Kingstown or call 451-2235 Ext 30. Registration will close today, May 20, 2016.