Bishop Gordon bids farewell
February 5, 2016

Bishop Gordon bids farewell

A farewell mass, with many Catholics and well-wishers, was held last Tuesday, February 2, at the Cathedral of the Assumption for Bishop Charles Jason Gordon.

Bishop Jason led both Kingstown (SVG) and Bridgetown (Barbados) Dioceses for the last four and a half years. Despite his stint coming to an end in St Vincent and the Grenadines he will continue in the Barbados district as resident Bishop.{{more}}

During the Bishop’s time in St Vincent and the Grenadines, he has been concerned with the well-being of Vincentians. He has followed carefully matters of national importance. Moreover, he has a deep yearning for the restoration of the unity of Christians. It therefore came as no surprise that in his homily, he asked that the congregation be, “a light the darkness cannot overpower.” He further added that, “true happiness comes from living the vocation God calls us to …Do not be afraid.”

The Bishop challenged the congregation to become authentic disciples – people who are willing to consecrate their lives to Christ. In addition, he reminded all that through baptism, “we” become members of Christ and must bear witness to this reality by being disciples in the world.

Bishop Jason gives way to Bishop Elect Gerard County, who will be ordained as resident Bishop for the Kingstown Diocese on Saturday, February 20, 2016. Catholics and wellwishers are invited to attend the ceremony at the Community College at 10 a.m. Preparations are well on the way to receive the new Bishop. Bishop County will be the second resident Bishop for the Kingstown Diocese.