Opposition Leader pens letter to GG calling for resignation of CoP
October 30, 2015

Opposition Leader pens letter to GG calling for resignation of CoP

Opposition leader and president of the New Democratic Party (NDP) Arnhim Eustace has written to the Governor General asking him to assist in resolving what he (Eustace) considers to be the “recurring”, “unacceptable” behaviour of the Commissioner of Police (CoP).

Eustace, in a letter dated October 26 said Commissioner Michael Charles, “…who has a pivotal role to play in our national security frequently and blatantly plays a partisan and political role.{{more}} He has resorted to wearing ULP (Unity Labour Party) colours at party and other public events.”

The Opposition Leader also pointed out that the Commissioner has been shown in published photographs playing ‘old mas’ in a costume ridiculing Opposition Members of Parliament.

“This type of behaviour by a senior public official is unacceptable, but even more since his post is critical to the national security of our state,” Eustace said.

“Your Excellency, I request that you use your best efforts as Head of State to resolve this recurring situation. In fact, I am of the view, Your Excellency, that the Commissioner should resign, as his behaviour is inimical to the best interest of the security of the state of St Vincent and the Grenadines,” the Opposition Leader stated.

Eustace’s request comes after a photograph of Charles, dressed in red and showing the ‘four in a row’ symbol of the Unity Labour Party (ULP), made the rounds of social media last week.

The photograph was also published on the front pages of two local newspapers.

Charles, however, defended himself, saying that by wearing red at meetings of the ULP, he blends in and is better able to gather intelligence.

Two other members of the Opposition and president of the Public Service Union (PSU) Elroy Boucher have also called on the Commissioner to resign.(CM)