Roundabout being constructed at Crick Corner
July 31, 2015

Roundabout being constructed at Crick Corner

by Connice Trimmingham

By late September, drivers travelling from Kingstown into Mesopotamia would have to traverse a roundabout in the Crick Corner area, which has been constructed as part of the Vigie Highway project.

Chief engineer in the Ministry of Transport {{more}} and Works Brent Bailey told SEARCHLIGHT in a recent interview that the roundabout is considered an enhancement to the highway, since prior to its construction, vehicles travelling into Mespo had to make a 270 degree turn at Crick Corner.He said this deep turn caused minibuses to swing out off their hand into the road and if vehicles were coming from Mesopotamia they were forced to stop and vice versa.

He disclosed that now, the Vigie Highway would be able to host 40-foot containers and with the Argyle international airport about to come on stream, the route from Argyle through Crick Corner and Belmont would be “significantly the shortest route” into Kingstown.

Additionally, according to the chief engineer, the roundabout would improve the overall appearance of the area and plans have been made to install bus terminals on either side of the road, with market facilities.

“I would expect that 10 years from now the whole area is going to change,’’ he said excitedly.

Bailey said in approximately one year’s time, there would be free flow of traffic from the Windward area and Mesopotamia into Kingstown.

The highway rehabilitation project, which is funded by the Republic of China on Taiwan is being constructed at a cost of $3.89 million by contractors K-Electric. It includes rehabilitation of 1.2 kilometres (3,500 ft) of road, starting at Crick Corner and ending at Belmont at the water tank. The project includes the widening of the road from between 16 and 18 feet to 20 feet, with drains being added on either side.

Bailey explained that because of the topography of the area, bank benches had to be cut in order to minimize the chance of landslides. He stressed that during construction, slope stability was carefully managed in the interest of the safety of motorists.

He explained that after completion of the project, the Ministry of Transport and Works will start work on the Ginger Village section of the project.

He expressed his delight at the improvement to area, saying that this project would help push Marriaqua back to its days as the vibrant ‘bread basket’ community.

The Crick Corner roundabout is the second one to be constructed as part of the Vigie Highway project and was started in December 2014.