April 24, 2015

SJCM Elite Business Club hosts 5th Annual Business Week

During the week of April 20 to 24, members of the SJCM Elite Business Club gathered during their lunch break daily to hear presentations from other Elites about their own small businesses. The theme for the 5th Annual Business Week was ‘Every Talent is an Opportunity’.{{more}}

Presentations were made by Mr Alexander, the Club’s CEO and owner of Omega Designs; Tim-Ron Williams – 2nd vice -president and owner of The Life of Art; president Kwesi Allen of Kallen Graphics and Entertainment; along with Donasha Toney and Deondra Antoine – upcoming fashion designers. The presentations brought home the truth in the saying that a picture speaks a thousand words, as all presenters had portfolios of their work for viewing.

Members were encouraged to identify and develop their natural talents in the hope that they would be able to use them someday as the foundation of successful business ventures. The week ended with the deputy CEO of the Club, Ms J Mofford, sharing a compilation of opportunities for persons in the creative arts. SJCM Elite Business Club encourages all the youths of SVG to make the most of every opportunity to develop their talents and skills in pursuit of their lifelong goals. (Contributed by Zenique Woods, Chairperson, Public Relations Committee)