Former MP not surprised at results of Nigerian poll
April 10, 2015

Former MP not surprised at results of Nigerian poll

The president-elect of Nigeria General Muhammadu Buhari met with former parliamentarian and minister of government René Baptiste when she served as a Commonwealth Electoral Observer with the team that was sent to Nigeria for the elections in March 2011.

Buhari, a former military ruler, is the first Opposition candidate to win a presidential election in Nigeria.{{more}}

General Buhari led a military coup in 1983 and ruled as head of a military council from December 31, 1983 to August 27, 1985. He was deposed by another military element.

In the photo below, Baptiste was meeting him after he had made a presentation to the Electoral Observer Team about the elections, preparations and how he viewed his chances then.

Baptiste told SEARCHLIGHT that she continues to follow Nigerian politics and was not surprised that Buhari won this time around. The former parliamentarian said he recently described himself as a “reconstructed democrat, committed to the principles of democracy….’’ General Buhari will assume the office of president on May 29, 2015.