Vincentian pens inspirational novel on life experiences
February 27, 2015

Vincentian pens inspirational novel on life experiences

One Vincentian has used her life experiences to pen an inspirational novel that is scheduled to hit national and international markets this Easter.

In an interview with SEARCHLIGHT on Tuesday, Lorna Edwards revealed that she will travel to England this weekend to publish and promote her {{more}}first ever publication, “Graced by Grace.”

“Every morning for about three months – I remember it started early in the summer of 2012 – I would wake up with one word, ‘grace’ and I just couldn’t figure out what it was about… and then, one day, this little playful voice said ‘you fool, don’t you know you’re supposed to write a book?’” Edwards said.

The mother of one, who began expressing her love for writing from an early age, explained that her new book focuses on her journey and how blessed she feels to still be alive.

“I feel like I’m death defiant, meaning I’ve come so close to dying so many times and I think about those of us, my friends, who have been long gone, almost in some cases in a flash and I’ve come so close so many times and I am still here. So, it must be a reason and hence I must find a purpose in my life,” Edwards told SEARCHLIGHT.

Describing her book as “controversial”, the novelist revealed that the piece is not only a reflection of her life, but it also makes reference to the lives of other persons, aspects of Christianity and generally, the world that humanity lives in.

“Graced by Grace is an inspirational piece and it really has no limits as to who it targets. It targets who I call the seekers, fall-aways, crossovers and even strengthens believers,” she said.

“It has two major messages: the first one is a lesson on gratitude and secondly, that we can all overcome whatever it is that we are going through in life and we do that with one simple remedy: the grace of the everlasting Almighty God, the grace which is free and infinite.”

In memory of her grandmother, Edwards will publish under the name, LaLa London. Also, instead of going the traditional route, the author has chosen to self-publish under her own label, Eager Publishing. Under this label, she hopes to inspire young people in St Vincent to believe in themselves and their talent.

“I felt this strong calling to take up the task, though daunting, to self publish. I really believe that we have so much talent here in SVG that’s not being harnessed and one of the reasons I believe for that is that people don’t see a way out; so there’s this thinking perhaps, why even write or why even take it seriously, because there’s no avenue. I believe Eager Publishing is going to open doors for a lot of other people, not just locally, but regionally and internationally,” Edwards said.

It is expected that Graced by Grace will be available in hardcover and e-book editions, as well as an audio-book, which will be voiced by Edwards herself.

“I never thought I would write in this genre. I know that God has blessed me with the gift of writing and I think I have about a dozen manuscripts and overviews combined and none of them come close to Graced by Grace. Graced by Grace was an inspiration from God,” she told SEARCHLIGHT.

When she returns home, Edwards intends to have an official book launching. However, the novelist told SEARCHLIGHT that her books will be available for purchase at Gaymes Bookstore and Jujube, once they are printed.

Furthermore, she extended gratitude for the overwhelming love and support from friends and family and her review team, which she describes as loyal and dedicated to her cause.(BK)