Past student donates to Questelles Government School
February 24, 2015

Past student donates to Questelles Government School

About 32 years ago, Christopher Henville, a past student of the Questelles Government School, migrated to the USA to join his family and to further his education. Since then he has frequently returned home. But three years ago in 2013, during one of his annual visits, {{more}}he drove through the Questelles community and made a stop at his alma mater, the Questelles Government School.

Fate would have it that the principal at the time was Orde Ballantyne, a teacher who had positively impacted his life during his short stint at the Emmanuel High School. During this visit, Christopher inquired of principal Ballantyne what was a pressing need for the school. Ballantyne lamented about the incompletion of the computer room and did not hear from Chris again for one year. Christopher returned the following year and posed the same question; this time Ballantyne shared an assumption that he would like to see tested, that if a few students could be provided with most of their materials needs, they would perform even better.

Henville loved the idea and during the August vacation the assumption took life and three top performers were selected: Renesha Adams, Shakeele Hancshaw and Leronique Prescott. Henville awarded $500 scholarships for these students for the duration of their primary school experience and with the possibility of continuing further.

“This in itself is quite a magnanimous act, but we were all blown away when the school received another call last week from Mr Henville, who indicated that he had 31 bags with school supplies to donate to students. Special gifts were also provided to the scholarship awardees. These were presented during the school’s General Assembly on Monday, February 23, 2015,” principal Orde Ballantyne said.

A release from Ballantyne said Henville is a humble man who did not want any publicity for his acts of kindness, but his friends were able to convince him that it will be good for the nation and may have a rippling effect, encouraging other past students to walk a similar path.

The principal, staff, parents, and especially the student recipients say a hearty thank you to their patron Christopher Henville. May God continue to enrich his life.