Dr Adams publishes new book
December 5, 2014

Dr Adams publishes new book

With a seemingly insatiable appetite for the history of St Vincent and the Grenadines, one of the nation’s most prolific writers published his 15th book last month.{{more}}

Dr Edgar Adams, whose last offering to the nation’s literary community was in June, recently released ‘The Carib Country Sugar Estates and Georgetown 1797 – 2010’ a historical overview that looks at the “importance of Georgetown to the overall history and economy of St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

In the book’s acknowledgements section, Dr Adams states: “It is… hoped that the information on the particular period of Georgetown’s history recorded here will encourage the future production of a comprehensive and more detailed account.”

The book looks at the area’s early development as part of a British colony (1797 – 1979), and subsequently through the first three decades of being an independent nation.

In particular, Adams’ book focuses on the circumstances which led to the creation of the various sugar estates on the Eastern side of St Vincent; and takes an in depth look at the birth of Georgetown, which was part of Grand Sable – the largest sugar estate on the island in its time.

‘The Carib Country Sugar Estates and Georgetown 1797 – 2010’ is presented in three main sections. The first deals with the historical background of St Vincent, prior to the English defeat of the Black Caribs; the second introduces the numerous sugar estates in the parish of Charlotte, including details about original proprietors, acreage and slave numbers; and the third gives an overview of Georgetown in terms of growth and development in the various sectors.

At a cost of $80, the book sold out shortly after its launch, but since then more copies have been printed.

Adams said that the cost was this high because he had not received any sponsorship for this particular publication. Those wishing to purchase a copy can do so from Gaymes Book Centre, R&M Adams Book Centre (at the Cruise Ship Terminal) and Adams Office Centre.

Dr Adams’ last publication was ‘The Making of the Dorsetshire Hill Community – a Socio-Historical Perspective’.(JSV)