Couple introduces more new products to SVG
October 3, 2014

Couple introduces more new products to SVG

A local couple has found a way to promote healthier lifestyles through natural coconut products, while marketing the tropical landscape of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Less than a year after officially launching Brio Che, a natural coconut product line, Bernadette Warren and her husband and business partner, Taireen, are already expan­ding their product offerings.

When she visited SEARCHLIGHT on Wednesday, {{more}}Warren highlighted the many products that are offered by her company and revealed the new additions, which will be showcased at a launch today in Corea’s City store.

“We focus on the coconut palm and we try to utilize just about every part of the coconut. The branches; we make gift baskets from the branches; we use the coconut water in the soaps; we use the coconut shells for the candles; we extract the oil from the milk and that’s what we use also for the soaps and to sell. We also do the virgin oil,” she enthused.

Lip balms and body scrubs are also included in this line of products, which was inspired by Warren’s grandmother.

The new products include scented virgin coconut oil, lotions and Moringa soap.

“We’re going back to the coconut oil because what’s being requested is scented. Persons have been requesting oils with lemon grass, the lavender oil, rosemary. Not everybody likes the coconut oil smell. The regular oil smells a little toasty, so not everybody likes that, so we decided to do it in the virgin,” Warren told SEARCHLIGHT.

“We’re also looking at doing lotions…and Moringa soap – that’s another plant, I would say is a growing trend here. Persons are now aware of the many benefits and the many vitamins it has, so we are also trying to incorporate Moringa into our products.”

The Belair resident, who revealed that Brio Che was initially going to be a local coconut ice-cream brand, sees big things in the future of her business, as she hopes to expand the range of coconut products offered, as well as incorporate other plants that facilitate a healthy and natural lifestyle.

The animated woman noted that more persons in the community seem to be getting sick with a number of ailments that include cancer, eczema and allergies. While noting that the skin absorbs 60 per cent of the products used by persons, Warren expressed a desire for her products to curb the growing trend of sick persons.

However, the entrepreneur, whose background is originally in social work, told SEARCHLIGHT that her intent is not to “do it all,” but rather to inspire younger persons to invest in their own businesses.

“I want to inspire young people. Put the ideas out there and maybe if they are passionate about it, maybe they can also come on board and do it. I would advise them to look around. Look at what’s in your house and see. It’s not that hard to make some of these things. It’s just that some people get intimidated by the chemicals. You can actually make all the stuff you have at home, including toothpaste, deodorant, everything you can make from natural products,” she said.

Warren also expressed hope for her products to be used as souvenirs for tourists, and noted that she promotes St Vincent and the Grenadines on the premium soaps by showcasing tourist sites on the packaging.

Currently, the coconut products may be purchased at the Corea’s City Store, Pennywise, the Purpose Shop at the Cruise Ship Terminal and Saunders’ Craft Shop.

Brio Che’s new products’ launch will take place in the Corea’s City Store today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.(BK)