September 12, 2014

VINLEC, CWSA suffer minor flood damage

Utility companies in St Vincent and the Grenadines suffered minor damage last weekend, due to extended rainfall which caused flash floods in several areas across the country.{{more}}

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves gave an update on the status of the Central Water and Sewerage Authority (CWSA) and VINLEC.

Gonsalves reported that the immediate cost of repair for damage done to VINLEC is between $75,000 and $85,000.

“Most of that money is related to cleaning and strengthening work at the hydro power stations and some money is related to the repairs required to the line infrastructures,” Gonsalves said.

He explained that the immediate impact of floods on VINLEC was the reduced output of the hydropower station in Cumberland.

Additionally, the South Rivers power station was shut down for two days, as the intake had to be cleared using manpower.

As of Tuesday, this station was back online.

Power was restored to persons who lost electricity on the same day.

“One group of customers without power for approximately two days due to access problems to replace a pole,” Gonsalves revealed.

The Prime Minister also reported that four of CWSA’s main distribution systems were damaged by floods and landslides.

“The four systems impacted were Hermitage, Majorca, Montreal and Jennings. As a consequence, for very short periods, people were without water in certain areas. Areas mainly affected were Wallilabou to Peters Hope and Cane Garden,” he told media officials.

Water was quickly restored to persons in those areas. (BK)