SVGTCCU camp focuses on  nation’s youths
September 2, 2014

SVGTCCU camp focuses on nation’s youths

The St Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Co-operative Credit Union (SVGTCCU) continues in its efforts to mould the minds of the youth in this country.

This past weekend, the SVGTCCU youth group was involved in a camp that taught participants various life skills and how to manage everyday situations.{{more}}

The camp began on Friday with an interactive session at the headquarters with several members of the organisation.

President, Dwight Lewis revealed how proud he was of the organisation’s youth club and encouraged youths to make full use of the opportunities afforded to them.

“Don’t let this period slip by and you didn’t utilise the technology. You didn’t utilise the opportunity to educate and upgrade yourself,” Lewis said.

The president noted that the youth group served to secure the future of the credit union as a sustainable entity in the future.

Also, he encouraged youths to be sociable among themselves, but to be constructive in their interactions.

“One of the things I would encourage you to do is to let your socialising, let your fraternising be very constructive and that is critical going forward. While you are on the camp, use what we call good sense…and judgment. Keep experiences constructive and positive. It should be a learning experience for you. Use it as that learning experience and ask questions of the presenters,” he said.

Chief executive officer Julian Jack also shared similar sentiments to Lewis and shared stories about his experience with youth groups.

As they prepared to go on the weekend camp in Queens Drive, the CEO urged youths to be focused in an effort to develop holistically.

“Focus your mind on you and the group to remember that you have to work together and in working together you will build each other. We have a saying that we say ‘each one must teach one’,” he said.

Acting president of the group, Keshron King also delivered brief remarks and highlighted that being a part of the group was a good way to develop oneself.

“One of the things that I love about this group is that it helps you to be a rounded individual. When we started at first, I was shy, timid but being involved in the group and meeting others; it help me to break out of my shell, it helped me to learn more,” he said.

He also encouraged his fellow members to be advocates and continue sharing the work of the group in order to attract and keep members.

Topics addressed and delivered over the weekend by officials of the SVGTCCU included My Finance and I, Anger Management, Social Media for Personal and Professional Advancement and Commitment – A Pillar of Outstanding Achievements.

The SVGTCCU youth group was formed in 2011 and is currently spearheaded by marketing and development officer, Ezekiel Richards. The group meets every other Saturday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the SVGTCCU headquarters.(BK)