SVGTCCU provides $25,000 worth of scholarships and bursaries for students
August 29, 2014

SVGTCCU provides $25,000 worth of scholarships and bursaries for students

The St Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers’ Co-operative Credit Union (SVGTCCU) has this year dedicated $25,000 to persons seeking higher education.{{more}}

During a short ceremony on Tuesday, bursaries and scholarships were handed out to a number of persons who are enrolled at university or in an A level programme.

President of the SVGTCCU board of directors Dwight Lewis told recipients that the credit union is taking an interest in their well-being.

“Part of that move towards taking interest in you is a manifestation of what is happening here this morning. I was part of the interview team and I must say that I am very impressed with the performance thus far of all of the persons present here,” Lewis said.

Lewis observed that as a credit union that was formed initially for teachers, the institution has always placed specific emphasis on the issue of education.

None of the recipients of the 10 bursaries that were given to university students were men. The president described this occurrence as “a little disturbing.”

“What perhaps is a little disturbing to me is the absence of the males. I think we have to do a lot more to save our males,” he said.

“It means at some point during the education process, the males are slipping away and we have to do something.”

Chief executive officer Julian Jack also noted the absence of males.

In his remarks, Jack noted that while it is evident that women are excelling, they must also take the time to encourage males to do better as well.

He also stated that parents, especially fathers, should play a big role in the lives of their sons.

“You can’t take over and leave the males behind,” Jack said.

“Fathers must play their part as well to ensure that we have a society that’s balanced. A balanced society so that we can develop both boys and girls at the highest level and make sure that we have a community that is itself balanced and responsible.”

Additionally, the CEO congratulated recipients on their performance in their respective programmes, revealing that this year is the first that he has seen so many A grades.

“Education is a very expensive business. I have to applaud all of you here today who would have taken on the challenge – that I want to get my degree, that I want to be counted among those who are qualified, I want to show that I am a person who understands the value of education to this society,” he said.

The SVGTCCU uses some of its yearly surplus to finance these bursaries for members who are pursuing further studies.

Bursary recipient Sherine Quashie delivered brief remarks thanking the credit union for their support, and 2013 A level scholarship recipient, Jamarl Alexander, in his remarks, encouraged persons to do their best at all times and not to be swayed by bad company.

The 2014 A level scholarship recipients are Kerron Glasgow and Avril Hamilton.

Bursary recipients are Ivonne Butler, Trackeisha Davis, Odette John, Janet Joseph, Keisha Yorke-Peters, Sherine Quashie, Gizla Rawlins, Ingrid Walker-White, Carlitha Letteen-Williams and Michelle Wyllie. (BK)