CWSA awards scholarships and bursaries to children of employees
August 29, 2014

CWSA awards scholarships and bursaries to children of employees

The Central Water and Sewerage Authority (CWSA) has awarded four full scholarships to children of employees for their secondary and A level studies. Recipients of the full academic scholarship are Antonique Billingy, Rodecia Grant,{{more}} Dorian Archibald and Terrica Stapleton. Three other students, Kyron Plaugh, Kasheema Simmons and Kelly-Ann Murray, were given one-off bursaries.

Annually, the CWSA awards scholarships to children of employees who were successful in their primary school exit examinations. At the handover ceremony, students were encouraged to perform their best in their studies and not to give up on their dreams.

The CWSA Sports Club also awarded an additional one-off bursary to Kyron Plaugh, son of Christopher Haywood, a member of the sports club.