‘Never give up,’ advises EHSM top student
August 22, 2014

‘Never give up,’ advises EHSM top student

Following his success in the recent CXC CSEC examinations, Kemran Charles’ advice to other students is “if you can’t be the pine at the top of the hill, be the shrub in the valley.”

Charles, the 2014 valedictorian for the Emmanuel High School Mesopotamia (EHSM), attempted nine subjects and obtained eight grade one {{more}}passes in English A, Mathematics, Information Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Social Studies and Agricultural Science and a grade two in Geography.

“I feel proud, but I would have like to have gotten nine ones,” the 16-year-old said during his visit to SEARCHLIGHT on Wednesday.

At the third form level, Charles was transferred from the St Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua to EHSM, after going through some difficulties.

Today, the Evesham resident feels that it is important for students to know where they are and envision what they hope to achieve in the future.

“Never give up. No matter your background. Know where you are and where you’re going. There’s a saying that goes, ‘if you can’t be the pine at the top of the hill, then be the shrub in the valley.’ That should be something to motivate people to be better,” he said.

In his interview with SEARCHLIGHT, Charles revealed that the preparation process for him was hard, especially after returning from an educational tour in Barbados, two weeks before the exam.

“It was kind of hard because before the trip, we had the SBAs to cover and after the trip… it was kind of hard work. I remember this one night when I fell asleep and I was supposed to study and I started crying,” he said, as he began laughing at the memory.

Principal of the EHSM Curtis Greaves expressed excitement over his 2014 top CSEC student.

“I’m very delighted about Kemran’s performance, especially after all the negative things that were said about our science department and so on,” he told SEARCHLIGHT.

Additionally, Greaves noted that since the 16-year-old was transferred, he has never had to deal with Charles in any disciplinary situation.

In fact, the principal praised Charles, who is the son of Christiana Charles, for being so outstanding, that he was named headboy for the 2013-2014 academic year.

The young man was also awarded nine subject awards at this year’s graduation for the exact subjects that he sat for the CSEC examinations. He was also awarded the Dr J P Eustace award for being the Best Male Student 2013-2014.

Among a list of persons Charles wished to thank for his success was God, his mother, Christiana, his second mother, Princess Alexander, the Seventh Day Adventist Church board and all of his well-wishers.

Currently, Charles is awaiting his acceptance e-mail from the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College, where he intends to study Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry, as he aspires to become a medical doctor in the future.(BK)