July 25, 2014

Drought affecting farmers nationwide

A recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture has revealed that the communities from Peruvian Vale to Fancy were most severely impacted by the recent drought across the country.{{more}}

Agricultural officer Leroy Jackson explained that the dry spell occurred longer than was expected and took a toll on the communities of region three which include district six – Peruvian Vale to San Souci; district seven – San Souci to Byera and district eight – Byera to Fancy.

According to Jackson, in some cases, root crops subsided underground due to the harsh conditions of the heat, while bananas and plantains were unable to be carried to full term.

He said that livestock, crop production and vegetables also suffered a similar fate.

Jackson, who is also the region three agricultural supervisor outlined that the Ministry of Agriculture will be making available to farmers, seedlings and plantlets from their various nurseries in an effort to rebuild the agricultural sector.

Farmers are being encouraged to take advantage of the Government’s $6 million credit programme which is available through the Farmers Support Company (FSC).

Meanwhile, one farmer Stanley Thomas said like many other farmers, he has seen firsthand the effects of the drought.

Thomas explained that the quantity of sweet peppers, potatoes, cabbages and cucumbers he reaped has been significantly reduced as a result of the drought.

“I’m not even able to get the yield that I normally get and it’s very difficult to farm in these conditions because of these (drought) conditions,” Thomas disclosed.