July 18, 2014

Shootings believed to be linked to cocaine theft

The theft of a large quantity of cocaine may be the reason for the spate of shooting deaths here over the past few weeks.{{more}}

SEARCHLIGHT was informed that the illegal substance was stolen from where it was being stored by men pretending to be police officers.

A source told SEARCHLIGHT that the robbers, clothed in black outfits similar to that worn by the Rapid Response Unit, approached the area where the cocaine was under guard at Rose Place, Kingstown.

According to the source, when the men in black approached, the men guarding the drugs fled the scene, allowing the imposters to carry away the cocaine.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that some of the “robbers” were recognized by one of the “guards”, who informed his employers, believed to be South Americans.

This incident is believed to have triggered the spate of shootings.

It is believed that the drug related shootings are being carried out by killers contracted from outside of St Vincent.

During a press conference on Monday this week, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves hinted that the shootings may be linked to one another, commenting that drugs had been stolen from a beach, and the owner of the substance was in a fight to get it back.

Police are yet to comment on the issue, except to say that investigations are continuing.

From June 12 to present, eight men have been gunned down, six in the East St George and West St George constituencies.