CDC chair pleased with Vincy Mas 2014
July 11, 2014

CDC chair pleased with Vincy Mas 2014

Chair of the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC) Dennis Ambrose says the shows which formed part of the calendar of activities for Vincy Mas 2014 were “well executed and the results for the most parts were well received.”{{more}}

In a message following the completion of this year’s festivities, Ambrose said Vincy Mas “ended with a magnificent street parade of 13 Mas bands, averaging size of about 200-800 revellers and a sea of vibrant colours, a fitting climax to a successful Vincy Mas.”

He said in addition to the CDC events, the private events were “well patronized and enjoyed by all who attended.

“It was blatantly evident that many visitors participated and it shows that Vincy Mas appeals to the wider world.

“The J’Ouvert and afternoon Street Party were tremendous. There were bands on the road on Monday with upwards of 4,000 persons enjoying the event. It is evident that this unique event is back in all its glory,” Ambrose said in a release.

He thanked the police and security services for their vigilance in “helping to oversee good conduct.”

He also thanked the sanitation workers and the media for their services.

“Now it’s back to the drawing board to review and start the process of planning for 2015. The CDC is happy overall,” he said.