June 27, 2014

Don’t ‘bun wuk’ this Carnival – PM

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves is pleading with workers not to “bun wuk” this carnival season.{{more}}

As he addressed Parliament on Wednesday, Gonsalves said he understood that a Trinidadian phenomenon, known as a “bun wuk” party, was being introduced to this country.

Bun wuk parties are normally held during working hours, and prospective patrons are encouraged to stay away from work in order to attend.

The Prime Minister said he had been informed that bun wuk parties were being promoted for the Wednesday before the Carnival weekend and the Wednesday after Carnival.

“I want to urge all employees, unless you are on holidays, please, don’t bun wuk. We have enough revelry. Don’t bun wuk. Let us not go down that road. We need to be productive; we need to make sure that we understand that a progressive society is based on hard, smart, productive work and not leisure, pleasure and nice time,” Gonsalves pleaded.

He said he would be asking Permanent Secretaries and heads of departments to see if “bun wuk” has taken hold in the State administration, as he will resist it.

The Prime Minister said the bun wuk parties should be left to persons who are on vacation or the visitors who come into the country.

“I urge the workers across the country, unless you are on holidays, please go to work and leave the promoters who want to do their bun wuk to themselves, and … the few persons who are on holidays or the visitors who come in. But please, don’t encourage bunning work. We have enough holidays, we have enough time put aside for social revelry and letting off steam.

This year, Vincy Mas officially runs from June 27 to July 8.