June 27, 2014

CDC post-Carnival debt dissolved

Chairman of the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC) Dennis Ambrose has disclosed that the $250,000 deficit which accumulated during Vincy Mas 2013 has been taken care of.{{more}}

At a press conference earlier this week, Ambrose, responding to a question by a reporter, said the debt had been addressed.

“I am pleased to say, yes, it has been addressed. It has been dealt with. I can’t say that we are debt free, but we don’t have the burden of owing too many persons who we had owed at the end of Vincy Mas 2013,” Ambrose said.

In a recent press conference, Ambrose called on the Government to assist with the large deficit incurred, but noted that he was unable to give a definite time when the funds will be made available to deal with the matter.

“I want to say thanks to the Government for giving us the support or the tools to get the facility to deal with all the persons who we had owed. So this has been dealt with and Vincy Mas is off to a good start in 2014,” Ambrose added.(KW)