June 6, 2014

RBTT Young Leaders Awards ceremony

The 2014 RBTT/RBC Young Leaders Awards ceremony will be held next week.

During next week’s ceremony, the winners of this year’s programme and the 2014 Young Leader will be announced. Prizes and trophies will also be presented.{{more}}

Eight schools completed and submitted projects to be judged in this year’s programme.

The ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 10 at the Methodist Church Hall, Kingstown, beginning at 1 p.m.

The guest speaker at Tuesday’s ceremony will be magistrate and chief commissioner of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Girl Guide Association Rechanne Browne-Matthias.

Addresses will also be made by RBTT/RBC country manager – La Fleur Nichols and a representative of the Ministry of Education.

The theme for this year’s programme is: “Diversity…the 21st Century Imperative.”

Last year, RBTT challenged Young Leaders to become agents of change by positively influencing the social issues affecting youth. The need to promote a global culture of respect for diversity and inclusion emerged from that project, and this year, RBTT invited Young Leaders to become champions of diversity in their communities.