Be vigilant during Vincy Mas – Police
May 30, 2014

Be vigilant during Vincy Mas – Police

Although the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Royal Police Force (RSVGPF) has put measures in place to ensure that persons are safe during the carnival season, individuals should also take steps to protect themselves.{{more}}

This was highlighted by Assistant Superintendent of Police Jonathon Nicholls on Tuesday at a press conference, as he gave an update on the security measures that will be taken for Vincy Mas 2014 and tips on how persons can keep themselves safe during the season.

Nicholls noted that while the police force is not a direct component of the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC), they are a “key player” in the cultural festival.

“The festival will only be enjoyable 100 per cent, if the security is on the ball. We have been doing that over the past how many years, and 2014 will be no exception. I want to let you know that we will be vigilant both in the park where the shows are, and on the outside where a lot of action also will be taking place,” he said.

While steps are being taken to ensure the safety of persons, Nicholls encouraged individuals to be aware of their surroundings and take the necessary steps that will keep them out of harm’s way.

The superintendent listed the main concerns of the police as break-ins of parked cars, the no-glass bottle policy and pick-pocketing.

“I want to assure the CDC and the Vincentian public, all who would be coming out to the show, this year we will be stepping up our game again. You can be assured that there will be an increased police presence in the area and persons who park their vehicles, persons who are coming to the show will be relatively safe,” Nicholls said.

“What we do ask, though, is that you take some measures. Of course, we all have to be responsible for our own actions. There are certain things you can do as to parking your vehicle, making sure it is fixed with an alarm so while we have a responsibility to ensure you, you have a responsibility to assist that you are as insured as possible. Despite our words of caution, a lot of persons are parking their vehicles and leaving valuables in that vehicle. You can pass the vehicle and see a camera. You can see a piece of electronics or a handbag, so we are again urging you to ensure that you do not leave valuables and other items of interest in your vehicle or within the view of the public.”

With regard to the no – glass bottle policy, Nicholls urged persons to adhere to the intiative as it is very effective and lauded by many countries.

“The general public, you are asked to, not just the consumer, but the vendor and the bar operators to ensure that you don’t serve the drink in glass bottles. I mention vendors here because a lot of the times, the police, we have a challenge with the vendors. While many and most of the bar operators cooperate, the vendors sometimes, are problems. Not just in terms of serving the drink in glass bottles, but having these glass bottles exposed to the general public. That is an area that we have been working on and will continue to work on so that even though you do not sell the drink, when you pour it you have to ensure that it is not accessible to any person who may wish to use it as a missile, as a weapon to cause problems.”

Nicholls also advised that persons secure their money properly and to avoid wearing excessive jewelry.

“Vincy Mas is a time when, unfortunately, we get some visitors who are not really welcomed. It is known that you have persons who travel around the Caribbean to the various festivals, who are known pick-pockets and persons who really come and try and gain illegally. Again, we are urging you to be careful with your personal effects; the way you secure your handbags, your wallets. If you go into crowds, you should have these items secured carefully. Probably in your front pockets, rather than in your seat pockets no excessive jewelry, cash. Don’t expose them to the general public,” he said.(BK)