March 4, 2014

Prison officer grazed by bullet during skirmish

A prison officer was, on Saturday afternoon treated and discharged from the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital after a bullet grazed his leg, while on duty at Her Majesty’s Prison.{{more}}

Superin­tendent of Prisons Linus Goodluck, when contacted, told SEARCHLIGHT that a senior prison officer had been involved in a skirmish with an inmate at the prison.

According to Goodluck, the prisoner was being violent at the time and attempted to attack the prison officer, who fired a warning shot with his service pistol.

Goodluck said that the bullet ricocheted off a wall and grazed another prison officer on his thigh.

The superintendent told SEARCHLIGHT that the senior officer had “all rights” to discharge his weapon.

He added that reports are being compiled and investigations into the matter are ongoing.