Vincentian students in Venezuela safe – PM Gonsalves
February 28, 2014

Vincentian students in Venezuela safe – PM Gonsalves

The 51 Vincentian students who are currently studying in Venezuela are said to be safe, despite the present unrest taking place in that Latin American country.{{more}}

On Monday this week, during a press conference, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves updated the media on the welfare of the students, who are studying in 12 Venezuelan states.

He said that the St Vincent and the Grenadines embassy in Venezuela had been in contact with the students’ institutions, and had interacted with the student contacts.

“There are students in four of the states most affected by the disturbances…,”Gonsalves stated.

“The students were advised to stay away from any protest, whether for or against the government,” he added.

Venezuela has been in the headlines for nearly a month, due to unrest and violence between opposition loyalists and supporters of the country’s government, led by President Nicholas Maduro.

Maduro was elected president of Venezuela in April last year, after the death of Hugo Chavez.

Reading from a report he said that was prepared and given to him by this country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister outlined some of the states where the Vincentian students were located and their status.

“There are students in four of the states most affected by the disturbances. In Merida, there are six students. They are staying home due to the continuing protests.

“In Trujillo there are four students: the medical students; they have been told by the authorities to stay at home, so they are safe.

“In Falcon, there are six students and they are safe. There are no protests actually in that state.

“In Yaracuy, it has been relatively quiet, and the students are safe.

“In the state of Bolivar, though there are some disturbances, there is one student there and that student is safe at home.

“The six students in Zulia are safe.”