Teachers Union elects new executive
February 28, 2014

Teachers Union elects new executive

Three new faces are now on the executive of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Union, following the organization’s biennial elections that were held last week.{{more}}

Wendy Bynoe, Maxford Jones and Sharon Doyle now sit on the nine-member executive, which is to be installed in six weeks’ time, at the Union’s biennial general meeting, slated for April 14, at Georgetown.

Bynoe was elected public relations officer after acquiring 505 votes, defeating Abdon White (173 votes) and Sunita Ghir-Gomes (133).

Newly elected committee members Doyle and Jones gained 517 and 500 votes respectively, to gain their positions on the executive, receiving more votes than Roderick McKree (228) and Ketty Rhynd (227).

Former public relations officer Vibert Lampkin maintained a position on the new executive. Lampkin, with 500 votes, defeated Vincent Benjamin (286) for the position of treasurer, while one-time committee member Kent Caine (452) edged out Hugh Wyllie (384) for the position of second vice president.

The position of first vice president is maintained by Sheldon Govia, who acquired (467) votes ahead of Ray Laborde, who received 338 votes.

Jane Farrell, with her 444 votes, was returned as assistant general secretary over Sheri Edwards (260) and Andre Durrant (111).

Returning to their positions uncontested were president Oswald Robinson, who received 652 votes and general secretary Margaret Lewis-Jackson, who got the most votes of the elections, 651.