I know for sure I don’t have AIDS – Jackson
February 25, 2014

I know for sure I don’t have AIDS – Jackson

One young resident of Ottley Hall says that she would like the rumours that she is HIV positive to stop.{{more}}

Twenty-three year-old Molisa Jackson, mother of three, visited SEARCHLIGHT, saying that she felt helpless.

“I know for sure I don’t have AIDS – I want to prove it to them that I don’t have it,” Jackson said.

She explained that she has had multiple tests done, all which have returned negative.

But she says she gets no peace and the rumours continue.

She said that she is originally from the Sion Hill/Cane Garden area, but has been living in Ottley Hall for the past five years.

Jackson brought the results for the last test she conducted on February 18, which returned negative.

She said that the rumours have been affecting her relationship with her children’s father, because whenever he hears the comments, he would question her.

Jackson said that she does not sleep around and just wants those who are making up stories about her to stop.

And although she admits that she has not been adversely affected by the false statements that were being made about her, she wants those responsible to stop, because the comments are untrue.

“I have just had enough,” she said.