Digicel to launch ‘first-class’ 4G network
February 14, 2014

Digicel to launch ‘first-class’ 4G network

Country Manager at Digicel SVG Ltd Sean Latty has assured Vincentians that they will be getting a first-class 4G network when the company launches 4G in a few months time.{{more}}

In telecommunications systems, 4G is the fourth generation of mobile phone mobile communication technology standards. A 4G system provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access, for example, to laptops with USB wireless modems, to smart-phones, and to other mobile devices.

With the launch of 4G, persons will be able to use applications including IP telephony, gaming services, high-definition mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D television, and cloud computing.

Locally, these applications can be used only when connected to Wi-Fi and 4G is expected to change that.

Speaking on Wednesday from his office in the Lewis Building on James Street, Latty said that Digicel has commenced the necessary work that will allow the 4G network to be deployed soon.

He said that Digicel will soon reveal the exact date, which would be in the first half of the year.

“Plans are well underway and we can guarantee that the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines will have one of the best 4G networks,” said Latty.

Marketing manager at Digicel Juno DeRoche said that exciting changes await Vincentians.

“When you talk to most Vincentians, they will tell you that they have been eagerly awaiting the 4G experience. Our customers and all of St Vincent and the Grenadines will be wowed by the 4G experience. As you know, Digicel only does it in extraordinary fashion. With our 4G network we will be enhancing our customers’ data experience and will also ensure that Vincentians have a first-class 4G data network”.

Latty also added that there is no truth to rumours that Digicel will stop users from being able to use IP telephone applications like Skype and Magic Jack over the 4G network.

“Well, rumours are almost always never true, so that is what they are – rumours…our 4G network will do everything our customers expect it to do”, stressed Latty.

He added, however, that customers will have different pricing for 4G, but stressed that the pricing will not vary much when compared to 2G prices.

On this issue, DeRoche said “as our valued customers have been used to over the years, they can expect to get an extraordinary 4G experience which, as usual, will be loaded with great value. I can guarantee customers that the 4G experience will be one of the most revolutionary experiences they will have for 2014.”

In relation to devices, Latty said that customers who have non-data capable devices will need to purchase a data capable device.

“We have been introducing 4G capable devices into the market since early 2012. This was being done in preparation for our 4G launch and as such, many customers who purchased from the BB curve to the DL600 will already have a 4G capable device”, said Latty, who added that Digicel has a strong arsenal of 4G Android smart-phones that are priced to suit everyone’s budget.

“When we launched back in 2003 we had handsets priced for everyone; it will be just like that when we launch 4G…there will be a handset priced for everyone”, promised Latty.

The country manager also added that customers who have 4G devices will be able to choose if they want to use 4G services or continue using EDGE, as the two networks will run simultaneously.

“One of our main aims along with great value and first-class customer service is to provide options or choices for our customers and with 4G it is no different. Customers can certainly look forward to extraordinary speeds and service with our launch of 4G, but they can continue using EDGE, if they so desire,” said Latty.