GHS launches young leaders programme 2014
February 11, 2014

GHS launches young leaders programme 2014

Last Friday marked the official launch of the Girls’ High School Young Leaders (GHSYL) programme for 2014.{{more}}

Under this year’s theme, “Diversity: The 21st Century Imperative”, the young leaders have chosen as their sub-theme “A diverse society is a thriving society.”

President for 2014 Justene Farrell noted that in many cases, persons set out to change others into what they perceive normal to be.

“We believe that the diversity in every individual, in every family and in every community, when embraced, is what makes a society a prosperous and flourishing one,” she said.

With this in mind, the aim of the GHSYL’s project is to help people to respect differences in one another, help people in a diverse society to work together for a common good and to plan and execute activities that will leave a positive impact on the Vincentian society.

“As president of the Girls’ High School Young Leaders 2014, I am fully aware that I am not just representing my team of 29 young leaders, but also the entire student body of the Girls’ High School and I can assure you that I will work assiduously to ensure that we execute our project in a timely and efficient manner and, in so doing, etch our mark on the consciousness of society,” Farrell said.

In his feature address, barrister-at-law Mikhail Charles urged the young leaders to examine the way in which young Vincentians shape their society, so that they are able to effectively carry out their project.

“As young leaders, it is your solemn task to examine and put forward ideas of how to change society and how to alter negative perception,” Charles said. “What we are really trying to say is that there ought to be space at the table, so to speak, for all parties in society to make their representation, especially where a particular decision will impact them directly. Inclusionary practices must be inculcated into the youth because it is much easier to mould a seedling or a sapling than to shape a gnarled or twisted tree set in its ways.”

Charles added that it is necessary to identify the key drivers that make a society thrive and work on effecting and affecting change.

“Attitudes matter because they translate into behaviour and actions that impact directly on individuals and groups in society,” he said.

The GHSYL banner was also revealed at the ceremony. The banner aptly displayed a variety of diverse ideas that exist within society today, including cultural, spiritual, sexual and religious diversity.

According to the description that was read, the banner suggests that “our society is diverse and beautiful and the knowledge of other customs could help to strengthen not only our minds, but for society to thrive and benefit as well”.