January 31, 2014

Anglican Church donates to Rose Bank flood victims

Members of the Anglican parish of St Paul’s, Calliaqua with St John’s Belair journeyed to Rose Bank on Saturday January 18, to provide lunch for the victims of the recent floods that disrupted the lives of many members in that community.{{more}}

The church in a release said focus of the relief effort was on those families housed in the Rose Bank Community Centre. However members of the surrounding homes were treated to lunch as well.

It said among the beneficiaries were members of the Nanton family who not only suffered complete destruction of their home but also lost five members of their family in a fatal landslide triggered by the torrential rains.

Additionally food supplies were issued to a number of families as part of the parish’s relief efforts. This is in addition to those supplies distributed earlier to the parish of St James, Layou with St Mary’s, Buccament, including the Vermont valley.

The church said the relief efforts will continue with the distribution of clothing and toiletries to victims of the flood.

In the upcoming phase, the parish will seek to identify the current critical needs so as to make targeted and meaningful interventions thereby helping families to regain a semblance of normalcy.

“The Rector Canon Nichols, Deacon Verbina Gonsalves and members of the parish thank all those who contributed in cash or kind to this relief effort.

“The parish urges those who were fortunate to be spared the devastation of this disaster to continue to minister to the spiritual and material needs of our fellow citizens as they struggle to rebuild their lives.

“May God strengthen their faith as well as ours,” the release said.