Suspect in Ottley Hall shooting nabbed
January 21, 2014

Suspect in Ottley Hall shooting nabbed

After nearly a week on the run, police have arrested and charged Ottley Hall resident Lara Carter for the shooting of 18-year-old Bennisha Baptiste.{{more}}

Carter appeared at the Serious Offences Court yesterday before Chief Magistrate Sonya Young and was charged with the attempted murder of Baptiste, also a resident of Ottley Hall.

He was not allowed to plea to the charge.

Baptiste, who was nine months pregnant when she was shot, had been making her way home when the incident occurred on January 11, 2014, shortly after 10 p.m.

Senior prosecutor in the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Adolphus Delpesche objected to bail for Carter, on the grounds that Baptiste is still warded at the hospital and is said to be in a serious condition.

“She was heavily pregnant at the time your honour, and the baby had to be taken,” Delpesche explained.

He further added that the teen’s condition is being monitored closely and prosecutors are still awaiting a report on her prognosis.

The Chief Magistrate said she would deny Carter bail at this time, but would keep him on remand until February 4, when bail will be re-considered. Young also requested a written report on Baptiste’s condition by February 4.

Carter, who appeared agitated as he stood in the box, told the magistrate he is always being accused of crimes. “They always accusing me, Your Worship. My name is easy [to] call and I don’t know why they just keep doing me so,” Carter said.

He also found it amusing when the prosecution informed the Court that they intend to call 10 witnesses in the matter.

The matter has been adjourned to May 4 for Preliminary Inquiry.(KW)